Wednesday, 1 June 2011

International Leadership and Soft Skills Development Camp

International Leadership and Soft Skills Development Camp between Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
20 May 2011-3 June 2011
The effort to nurture leadership, soft skills and cross cultural understanding in the students is an effort that should be given priority in this globalized world. Hence, in line with its effort to attain international visibility, UniMAP has taken great initiative to implement an international collaborative project with University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) which will be held from 20th May to 3rd June 2011. The participants of this project comprising a total of 32 students and 4 facilitators from both institutions.

The students will be participating in two consecutively implemented 7 day/6 night camps. The first camp will be held in UESTC and the second phase of the camp will take place at UniMAP.


The camp aims to:
1.      encourage the use of English language among the participants.
2.      improve participants’ generic soft skills
3.      develop cross-cultural sensitivity and perspective among participants.
4.      develop communication skills.
5.      complement the efforts that have been taken by the institutions concerned in making the students better person and more marketable,
6.      enhance the good name of the university and country.


The programme is activity based. The participants will go on a field each day based on a particular theme. In small groups, participants will complete their assigned tasks utilizing their own knowledge and expertise and knowledge gained from the short sessions attended in the first camp and will present multimedia informative reports about the theme of their field trips. Blogs will also be used as a tool for communication.
Short sessions:
·         Group dynamics
·         Problem solving skills
·         Group communication techniques
·         Presentation skills
·         IT skills

Here Are The Link For More Photo

      Day 1 in China
      Day 2 in China
      Day 3 in China
      Day 4 in China
      Day 5 in China